Civil Law & Compensations
Mohamed Eid AlSuwaidi law firm provides the service of presence and pleading on behalf of the plaintiffs and defendants in the Court proceedings sessions. We also specialize in drafting legal briefs for both prosecution and defense purposes before courts and attending meetings of judicial expertise in all categories; accountancy, engineering, insurance experts, medical committees, and valuation experts. The office adopts the client’s interest in responding to and commenting on experts’ reports, resuming preliminary and appeal on judgments, drafting appeals, and responding to them according to the provisions of the law, legal practices, and judicial principles before all civil cases of all levels, first instance, appeal, and cassation courthouses in UAE.
The client might not be aware of the importance of our lawyer’s representation services in civil proceedings, but in fact, all legal procedures require the presence of the lawyer as he has the ability to present the client’s requests and defense with reference to the legal and judicial principles. Hence, we should acknowledge our client that the failure of any party to present their claims and defense may put them at risk of losing the claim or defense, and our lawyers have the experience to introduce opponents or other parties to the case and compare the claim to the contract exact texts to ensure the rights of the clients and their consent to the provisions of the law, otherwise, The client may lose the case for his advocacy to texts that do not apply to his case.